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Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
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Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

Joint Alstom-Inria research lab: Several researchers of SUMO are involved in the joint research lab of Alstom and Inria, in a common research team called P22. On Alstom side, this joint research team involves researchers of the ATS division (Automatic Train Supervision). The objective of this joint team is to evaluate regulation policies of urban train systems, to assess their robustness to perturbations and failures, to design more efficient regulation policies and finally to provide decision support for human regulators. The project started in march 2014. A second phase of the project started in 2016, for a duration of three years. This covers in particular the CIFRE PhD of Karim Kecir.

Joint Nokia Bell Labs - Inria research lab: Several members of the team are involved in the joint research lab of Nokia Bell Labs and Inria. This lab is co-directed by Éric Fabre (Inria) and Olivier Audouin (Bell Labs), and funds joint research teams over a period of 4 years. The 3rd phase of the lab is in preparation, and 6 new joint teams will be launched in the first quarter of 2017. Sumo is involved in the proposal Softwarization of Everything that aims at developing techniques for the programmability, the verification and the management of software-defined networks (SDN). This covers in particular the CIFRE PhD of Arij El Majed, to start in January 2017, on the topic of Root cause analysis in reconfigurable dynamic systems.

Joint Orange Labs - Inria research lab: Éric Fabre takes part to the joint research lab of Orange Labs and Inria. This lab funds around 5 new PhD grants every year. This covers in particular the CIFRE PhD of Sihem Cherrared on the topic of Fault management in multi-tenant programmable networks.